Client: New Forest Villages Housing Association Location: New Forest, Hampshire Works...
Wessex projects
Project Tag: Local Authority
Renewing the Electrics for King George V Memorial Clock Tower, Poole
Client: Borough of Poole Location: Poole Description of Work: Electrical Rewiring Background: The...
Lighting up the Twin Sails Bridge in Poole
Client: Poole Borough Council Location: Poole, Dorset Description of Work: LED Overhaul...
Efficient Heating with Dimplex Quantum Heaters
Client: Dimplex Location: South West Description of Work: Storage Heater Installations Background:...
Heating & Voltage Optimisation for Sovereign Housing
Client: Sovereign Housing Location: South/South West Description of Work: Heating Installation...
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Wessex Group
Longmead Industrial Estate,
Wincombe Lane,