Latest News
At Wessex we take great pride in the projects we deliver and the loyal customers that come back to us again and again. We are also extremely proud of the charitable work and personal achievements of our staff and partners.

Wessex Wins Gold on First Attempt
The Wessex teams are celebrating after landing an internationally-recognised Gold award for...

Stay Connected, Stay Protected with the All New CLSS App
What if? That is the question we ask ourselves before doing anything resulting in an outcome. What...

ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001 United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) Recertification
Following an external audit of our Integrated Management System against the ISO 9001, 14001 and...

Do I need a Service & Maintenance Contract with my Alarm?
What is a service and maintenance contract? A service and maintenance contract works similarly to...

THE DUALCOM PRO RANGE, No Wires, No Wait, No Worries
The DualCom Pro is here! DualCom Pro offers Installers easier, faster installation of professional...

Fire Safety within Schools
In recent months, the educational sector has seen a big increase of attention towards fire safety....

Are your Student Accommodations Safe from Fire Risks?
New data has come to light stating that universities must start prioritising fire safety. This...

The Benefits Of Thermal Imaging This Winter
Thermal cameras let people see what their eyes can’t, especially in these colds, dark, winter...

Is Your Business Security Fit For The Winter?
With these dark winter nights, statistics suggest that the rate of domestic burglaries see an...

The Benefits Of Commercial Security Systems
Commercial businesses lose millions of pounds every year from inventory shrinkage, employee theft,...

Fire Safety At Christmas
Deck the halls this Christmas time, but don’t forget about fire safety! Festive celebrations,...

Why Burglary Rates Increase At Christmas Time
Burglary at Christmas time for homeowners has been an ongoing problem since the beginning of the...
Get in touch

Wessex Fire & Security
Longmead Industrial Estate,
Wincombe Lane,